Texas Radiotherapy

Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Ribbon

Head & Neck Cancer Awareness

Head and neck cancers affect extremely delicate parts of your body and can drastically decrease quality of life making it difficult to eat and speak. That’s why advanced technology and superior experience are so important in treatment. 

Dr. Cavey and his expert team are passionate about maintaining a patient’s quality of life during treatment and providing the best outcomes. Texas Radiotherapy utilizes the Radixact System by Accuray to limit side effects and produce higher cure rates compared to other radiation centers in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. 

Head and neck cancers account for nearly 4% of all cancers in the United States according to the National Cancer Institute and are usually found in people over the age of 50. It is often associated with smoking and the human papillomavirus (HPV).  The most common type is oropharyngeal (tonsils, base of tongue) cancer. 



While there are a wide variety of symptoms, the most common include a lump in the neck, jaw, or mouth, difficulty swallowing, and a sore throat that does not heal. For the full list of symptoms click here


Head and neck cancers are diagnosed in a variety of ways. Some are diagnosed using a camera down the throat to check the respiratory tract and upper part of the digestive tract. Doctors will also use imaging with CT, MRI, or PET-CT, and/or perform a biopsy of the primary cancer/lymph node. 


Surgery, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy can all be used to treat head and neck cancers. 

Since this cancer can affect the way patients eat and speak, we use only the most precise technology when performing treatment. Our Radixact System by Accuray is a non-surgical option that maximizes the radiation directly to the tumor while minimizing the dose to healthy tissues to preserve your quality of life.   

To learn more about treating head and neck cancers with Texas Radiotherapy, click here.